Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thing Nine

YouTube seems to be one of those never ending fountains of resources. There is information about nearly every topic you might want or need – and then there is information about just about every topic you might not.  That could be considered a like and a dislike. There, again, are so many options that you could be looking for quite some time before you notice how long you’ve been there. A downside I found was wading through the inappropriate material.

There is much that could be useful for school. In fact, our entire building is showing the same YouTube video about bullying tomorrow. Our district does have restrictions on YouTube, so things like this have to be “reconfigured” in order to be used.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a serious downside of giving a whole building access to streaming video content at the same time is that it slows down the whole network for other users. In buildings where YouTube is not blocked we find students in the labs listening to music - most of it not even appropriate music - while they're supposed to be doing other work. Not that they can't multitask, but this is a serious drain on the entire network. I think it's great that your school found a video everyone can use. Hopefully it's been downloaded in a format where teachers can show it without drawing from the Internet. That's also very helpful if the Internet happens to be down and teachers planned to show a video stream! YouTube is a tricky one - most schools just block it. Yours does not, at least in the labs!
